Native American Indian Facts

Hupa Indian Facts

Hupa Woman Shaman
Hupa Shaman


In this section of California America Indian Facts we provide information on the Hupa Indians tribe (also spelled Hoopa).This Native American Indian tribe is from Northwestern California. The Hupa people settled in Hoopa Valley, California around 1000 AD after migrating from the North. They are one of California's earliest cultures. Below you will find a list of many interesting facts about these people. This information includes who they are, where they live, and how they live.

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General Hupa Indians Facts

Hupa Indian Houses

Hoopa Tribal Museum

The Hoopa Tribal Museum can be found on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation in California. On display are numerous artifacts of the Hupa, Yurok, and Karuk people. The items on display include baskets, ceremonial items, redwood dugout canoes, and tools. The museums goal is to preserve and share the history and culture of these California Native Americans.